
Latino Latina Latinx Hispanic Mexican Puerto Rican Cuban Salvadoran Dominican Colombian Guatemalan Honduran Ecuadorian Peruvian Venezuelan Nicaraguan Brazilian Argentine Panamanian Chilean Costa Rican Bolivian Uruguayan Paraguayan Health Innovation Alliance (LHIA)

Welcome to the Latino Health Innovation Alliance (LHIA), a groundbreaking consortium operating at the intersection of healthcare, technology, and social justice, championing a transformative approach to health and wellness within the Latino community.

The VEED Program

ā€œPrograms like VEED are critical,ā€ said Jackie Gonzalez, policy director for Immigrant Defense Advocates, a group working to abolish detention facilities in California.

The Digital CompaƱero Program

Digital literacy and internet access are no longer optional during a pandemicā€¦they are a necessity.


SaludConTech is an inclusive ecosystem-building community that provides entrepreneurial support for digital health leaders from communities of color.

Iniciativa Ascenso | Latino Founders Accelerator

an accelerator empowering underestimated founders of color, enabling them to actualize their innovative ideas and thereby aid in bridging the representation gaps in the industry. The accelerator partnership program delivers an all-encompassing curriculum, mentorship, and necessary resources to foster the expansion and development of Latinx-founded digital health startups.

El Pulso de Progreso | A Digital Health Training Elective For Students

an elective course specifically designed for students interested in health sciences. The Digital Health Elective for Pre-Health Students is a comprehensive program that aims to provide students with a foundational understanding of digital health while promoting an early interest in this field among young academics.

The Conexiones al Futuro | Digital Health Mini Accelerator for Students

an initiative aimed at students who wish to develop holistically as professionals within the digital healthcare industry. The program is structured into three phases: Vision, Test, and Launch. The program provides access to cohort meetings and regular roundtable discussions with bidirectional feedback sessions offering a unique opportunity for professional networking, mentorship from subject matter experts, and acquiring essential skills required to thrive as future digital health leaders.

We recognize that representation matters ā€“ in our history books, healthcare systems, and technology as it continues to advance. At LHIA, we believe health is a fundamental human right and are committed to fostering a healthcare environment that respects and responds to the diverse needs of the Latino community.

Through innovative technology, collaborative action, and persistent advocacy, we envision a future where every Latino individual can enjoy not only the absence of illness but live a healthy, fulfilling life, with complete physical, mental, and social well-being.

This is not a call for participation it’s a call to a grand endeavor. We aspire to shape a future where the innovation economy mirrors the spectrum of the world it serves, in all its brilliant diversity and inclusivity, fueled by the resilient spirit that characterizes the Latino communityā€”a spirit that dreams audaciously and works tirelessly. Join us in this transformative journey. Let us collaborate in bridging gaps, shattering ceilings, and ensuring that health innovation truly represents our community in its fullness.

Become a member

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Those closest to the problem hold the key to unlocking the creativity, empathy, and stewardship of the community,

A closer look at Latino entrepreneurship unveils an influential force for health equity. It serves as a guiding beacon toward economic stability, employment creation, and the facilitation of essential resources for health and well-being.

These Latino-led ventures, unsung heroes of the U.S. economy, hold potential far beyond their economic contributions. They harbor the capacity to address health disparities by enhancing access to quality healthcare, rejuvenating living conditions, and promoting education and skill development. Further, these entrepreneurs are the powerhouses of health-related industries, pioneering novel advancements in healthcare technology and services catered specifically to the unique needs of their community.